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Edify history and culture, carry forward the spirit of studious

Edify history and culture, carry forward the spirit of studious

On September 9, under the leadership of Liu Meijuan, Secretary of the Pearl Party branch and Ji Xue, Secretary of the League branch, more than 30 young employees of the party and the league with the Pearl reading club as the main members carried out the theme visit activity of "promoting the studious spirit". They visited Yixing historical celebrities science and Education Museum, Yixing City Museum and Yixing City Library. During the study and visit, they carried out an interesting team Coopera

The company has passed the annual three system version transfer external audit

The company has passed the annual three system version transfer external audit

From August 22 to 24, the expert audit team of Beijing New Century Certification Co., Ltd. visited the company to conduct annual version transfer audit on the company's integrated quality, environment, occupational health and safety management system.

Pearl cable holding scholarship and scholarship awarding ceremony

Pearl cable holding scholarship and scholarship awarding ceremony

On the morning of August 23, the awarding ceremony of 2017-2018 academic year "Pearl aid and scholarship" was held in the conference room on the seventh floor of the company. Zhang Naiming, chairman of the company, Liu Hongbin, general manager, and Liu Meijuan, chairman of the labor union, presented grants and scholarships to excellent children of employees and delivered speeches. Lu Yali, Minister of administration and enterprise management, presided over the ceremony.

Forge ahead, strive, innovate, concentrate, build a dream and sail far away -- Pearl cable holds the 2018 semi annual work summary meeting

Forge ahead, strive, innovate, concentrate, build a dream and sail far aw...

In the first ten days of July, Mingzhu company ceremoniously held the semi annual work summary meeting, which was attended by Zhang Naiming, chairman of zhongmingzhu company, Liu Hongbin, general manager, and all middle and senior management and marketing personnel. The meeting was held in CSL Eco Park with two major themes. The main task is to review and summarize the work and achievements completed in the first half of the year, comprehensively analyze the current situation of the cable indust

The company has successfully passed Ma mark supervision and inspection

The company has successfully passed Ma mark supervision and inspection

On July 10, two reviewers of the safety standard national mining product safety center, together with the supervisor appointed by Jiangsu Coal Mine Safety Supervision Bureau, conducted annual flight supervision and inspection on 99 Ma certificates of our company.
