Forge ahead, strive, innovate, concentrate, build a dream and sail far away -- Pearl cable holds the 2018 semi annual work summary meeting


In the first ten days of July, Mingzhu company ceremoniously held the semi annual work summary meeting, which was attended by Zhang Naiming, chairman of zhongmingzhu company, Liu Hongbin, general manager, and all middle and senior management and marketing personnel. The meeting was held in CSL Eco Park with two major themes. The main task is to review and summarize the work and achievements completed in the first half of the year, comprehensively analyze the current situation of the cable industry, and make arrangements and arrangements for the key work of the company's operation and development in the second half of the year.

At the marketing theme summary meeting, vice president Han Yonghong reported the completion of sales indicators and achievements in marketing management in the first half of 2018. In the past half a year, the company has continuously adjusted the sales structure of cable products, optimized customer groups, strengthened the training of sales service personnel, improved service skills, and ensured a substantial increase in the bid winning rate of State Grid and key projects. Through the joint efforts of all employees, especially the sales manager, fearing no difficulties and striving for development, he has successfully completed the half year operation target task. The sales performance has increased by 13% over the same period of last year, achieving more than half of the sales. During the meeting, three trainings were carried out, one is the lecture on legal knowledge; the other is the analysis of the industry situation; the third is the lecture on "thinking innovation and working method innovation" by Professor Zhang Ning from the provincial Party school. Through training and learning, the participants can understand the situation, clarify their ideas, build up their confidence in development, and lay a solid foundation for the final completion of the year-round tasks.

At the internal management summary meeting, the heads of each department and the leaders in charge reported the semi annual work summary in the form of PPT courseware, fully carried out data comparative analysis, put forward improvement measures for the deficiencies in the work, and put forward new goals and plans, so as to build confidence for the full completion of the second half of the year.

At the meeting, general manager Liu Hongbin pointed out that in the second half of the year, the company will focus on the overall working idea of "seeking progress in stability, high quality and efficiency, and sustainable development". We should further optimize the market and customers, deepen the internal management mechanism, clarify the management responsibilities of each workshop and department, and comprehensively guarantee the healthy and effective operation of the company. In the second half of the year, all the staff should continue to work hard, work hard and stick to the year-end goal. They should be firm in their confidence and integrate their ideas into the development of pearl industry. They should strive for progress while maintaining stability and steadily improve the development of quality. It also puts forward requirements for management cadres and sales managers, hoping that management cadres have passion, action, responsibility and innovation. We should continue to strengthen the construction of the cadre team, improve the reserve of young cadres, strengthen learning, and constantly improve our management ability and quality, care for employees, fully mobilize their enthusiasm for work, and enhance the cohesion of the Pearl. At the same time, it is hoped that all marketing elites should be brave in innovation and actively seek new methods and outlets; control risks and make contingency plans; pay attention to market and services and try their best to meet customer needs. We are required to keep pace with the times, be brave in innovation, and build and enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises.

Zhang Naiming, chairman of the board of directors, fully affirmed the company's achievements in achieving more than half of its business objectives in the first half of the year. He pointed out that in the second half of the year, we should take the initiative and think carefully about practical measures in improving marketing services, focusing on reducing materials, strengthening technological innovation, improving system construction and caring for employees. It is specially emphasized that the middle-level leading cadres are the backbone of the company. They should give full play to the "head goose effect", boost the spirit, take the lead, set up the overall situation concept, and dare to strive for the best. The management cadres should fully communicate, trust each other, cooperate with each other, mobilize the enthusiasm of the staff, concentrate their efforts and work hard to make due contributions to ensure the completion of the annual target tasks.

I believe that under the correct leadership of governments at all levels and with the strong support and help of CSL, all pearl people will continue to emancipate their minds and concentrate their efforts, and will be able to successfully complete the tasks assigned by the group, exceed the overall sales target, and promote the company to achieve better, faster and more stable development.
