Let the sunshine sprinkle on the grey youth


In the third quarter, inspectors from the juvenile court of the municipal procuratorate and members of the Municipal Youth Rights and Interests Protection Association came to the Pearl cable teaching base for many times to carry out the "hand in hand problem youth" care and training activities.

Due to immature thinking, easy to make mistakes and not get correct guidance, minors form a special group of problem teenagers, who are lost lambs and Broken Angels. How to guide the problem teenagers correctly, educate, influence and save them to the greatest extent, and let these problem teenagers become a person beneficial to the society again is the significance and purpose of joint help and education. In the soothing light music, the teaching activities are carried out in the form of entertainment and interaction. We know each other from prudence to familiarity; we understand each other from estrangement to harmony. With the establishment of mutual trust and the strengthening of trust, the original feeling of depression, loneliness and abandonment of the problem teenagers who participated in the activities gradually disappeared, and the unique, happy and lively smile of this age emerged on their faces. Because they feel the care, warmth, support and encouragement from the society in their activities. This love lights up their lighthouse on their way to a new life.

The activity has achieved good results, which makes the staff of Mingzhu help and education base deeply touched and reaped a lot. We have a further understanding of the future work of the help and education base, and fully believe that with the support of the government departments, the Pearl help and education base will make greater contributions to the construction of a harmonious society.
