People oriented and health focused -- the company organizes all employees to have physical examination



    In order to protect the health of employees and improve the company's employee happiness index. Pearl company carried out occupational health examination for all employees from May 23 to 25. The main items of this physical examination include blood routine, blood pressure, ECG, B-ultrasound and gynecological examination. Meanwhile, the special post employees were also examined for items such as audiometry and chest X-ray.





▲B-ultrasonic examination of abdomen                ▲ECG test

    The physical examination was strongly supported by Guanlin hospital. After pre appointment communication, Guanlin hospital moved the equipment related to physical examination to pearl company, carried out physical examination on site, answered employees' questions, and publicized the precautions for healthy life. It provides better service for employees and enterprises.


Considering that the physical examination of employees should be carried out on an empty stomach, the company also prepared a variety of breakfast for everyone to eat in the canteen.


    Employees are the most valuable wealth of the enterprise. The physical and mental health of employees is of great significance to the development of the enterprise and employees. The company adheres to the principle of people-oriented, and has been organizing and carrying out physical examination activities every year for many years. This measure further enhances the sense of belonging and happiness of employees, makes everyone feel the warmth of Pearl family, and also mobilizes work enthusiasm, which plays an active role in the development of the company.
