The most beautiful pearl people visit ginkgo Lake in spring


In April, spring and Jingming, in order to enrich the amateur cultural life of employees, enhance mutual communication and enhance team cohesion, pearl company organized all employees to go to Nanjing ginkgo Lake Park for spring outing on April 25, 2019.

Ginkgo Lake Park is located in Jiangning District, Nanjing City, integrating theme amusement and ecological leisure. In the process of the activity, pearl people radiate a childlike innocence, cheer each other up, and participate in the amusement projects; with the fragrance of the whole way and countless green plants all over the mountains, they feel the joy and pleasure brought by nature.

This spring outing allows you to relax and enhance friendship after busy work. At the same time, it also fully embodies the human care of Pearl enterprises for employees, creates a pleasant, harmonious and harmonious collective atmosphere, and inspires everyone's passion for doing business.
