Yixing market supervision and Administration Bureau visited pearl cable


On the afternoon of April 24, Jiang Xiaoqiang, deputy director of Yixing market supervision administration, organized 18 leaders from all branches of the city to visit Pearl Company for investigation and exchange. Liu Hongbin, general manager of the company and Feng yaocai, executive deputy general manager, received visiting leaders and discussed with them.

Jiang Xiaoqiang, deputy director general of the market supervision and Administration Bureau, briefly introduced the purpose and significance of the visit and research organized by the personnel to Mingzhu company, hoping to further improve the supervision ability and level of Yixing wire and cable enterprises after the new license is obtained through on-site investigation and exchange, and promote the healthy and orderly development of Yixing wire and cable industry.

Liu Hongbin, general manager of the company, expressed welcome and thanks to all leaders and briefly introduced the development of pearl company. President Liu introduced the work of the company in quality management in recent years to the leaders present in detail, and said that under the new situation, the company will adhere to the policy of "not seeking the largest scale, but seeking the best quality", comprehensively promote quality management, improve product and service quality. I wish the event a complete success!

At the symposium, entrusted by the market supervision bureau, Feng yaocai, executive vice president of the company, explained the detailed contents of the 2018 version of the detailed rules of production license, focusing on the relevant matters and issues to be concerned about post license supervision. Later, he led the leaders of the Municipal Supervision Bureau to visit the company's production workshop and testing center, and Mr. Feng answered the questions in detail.

In the future, pearl will continue to improve, promote the development of market supervision and quality inspection, and better serve the economic and social development of high quality.
